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Holy Cross School students have the opportunity to sing with the choir for school Masses and prayer services. The purpose of the choir is to enable children to experience being a part of parish ministry and to learn the fundamentals of choral singing and voice production.


Given the large number of singers, good deportment and courtesy are required at all times. Students who find it difficult to be attentive will be asked to wait another year before joining choir. In order to be a member of the choir:

  • Choristers must attend rehearsal every Monday when school is in session. Rehearsals are from 3:00 - 4:00 pm.
  • Choristers need to participate in parish Masses at which the choir sings. These Masses occur occasionally at the Sunday 10:30 am mass.
  • Choristers are encouraged to participate in other occasional events such as Pueri Cantores regional festivals.