Social Studies
Holy Cross School offers a lively study of people and places throughout time, where students can compare and contrast their experiences to those of the past.
Learn and Work, Scott Foresmann
Units: Getting Along, Symbols, Work, Where We Are, Calendars, Times Past
Time and Place, Scott Foresman
Units: Citizenship, People and Places, Our Country, Changes Over Time, Celebrate Cultures, Goods and Services
Then and Now, Scott Foresman
Units: Long Ago and Yesterday, Map Skills, Our Government, Producers and Consumers, People in History
California Vistas - California Communities, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Units: Communities and Geography, Native American Communities, Communities CHange, Communities at Work, Many Communities, One Nation
Our Golden State, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Units: The Golden State - Our Home, Early California History, Becoming a State, A Growing State, A Changing California
Making a New Nation, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Units: Native People of North America, Exploration and Colonization, The English Establish 13 Colonies, The Struggle for North America, A New Nation, The Nation Expands, The American People, Then and Now
Discovering Our Past: Ancient Civilizations, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
Units: Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Israel; India, China, and the Americas; The Greeks and Romans
Discovering our Past: Medieval and Early Modern Times, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
Units: New Empires and New Faiths; The Middle Ages; A Changing World
Grade 8
Discovering Our Past: The American Journey to World War I, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
Units: A Changing World; Creating a Nation; Launching the Republic; The Young Republic; Civil War and Reconstruction; Reshaping the Nation